Youth Red Cross

The Youth Red Cross (YRC) wing of this College acting as the right wing of Indian Red Cross Society, Odisha State Branch (IRCS, OSB) aims at promoting the spirit of volunteerism and fostering human values among the young and dynamic volunteers. Since its establishment in 1982, the YRC of this College has successfully involved in the following activities and programs:

• Blood Donation Camp
• Road Safety Awareness Camp
• First Aid Camp
• Plantation
• AIDS Awareness Programme
• Orientation Programme for Newly Admitted Students about YRC
• Service to the Sick and the Suffering
• Observes the following commemorative Days: World Health Day;
World Red Cross Day; National Youth Day; World Blood Donation Day; Geneva Convention Day; World AIDS Day; and International Women’s Day.

Enrollment: In the academic year 2019-20, 50 young and energetic volunteers have enrolled their names in the YRC unit of the Athmallik College. Organizing Committee:

Sl.NoNameDesg.Email & contact no.01Mr. Gopabandhu PradhanLecturer, Department of Mathematics 70084936992

Mr. Manmath Pal Lecturer Department of Political Science