College Examinations

College Examinations (For +3 Arts and Science (As per the guidelines of the Sambalpur University)

  1. Each semester examination shall consist of a Mid-Semester (Internal) Examination and End Semester examination.

  2. Mid Semester examination shall be conducted only for theory papers. End Semester Examination in theory papers carrying full marks above 50(e.g. 60, 75, 80 etc) shall be of 3 hours duration and practical shall be of 3hours (for full marks carrying 25). On the other hand, theory papers carrying 50 marks or below shall be of 2 hours duration.

  3. Mid semester examination will be of 01 hour duration for 20/15 marks (20 for subjects having no practical and 15 for subject with practical papers). There shall be no pass mark in Mid Semester examination. The type of questions will be decided by the college authority.

  4. The Mid-Semester Examination shall be conducted and valued by the Teacher(s) who are teaching the corresponding paper or by any external faculty in the college(s). A student who fails to appear in a Mid-Semester Examination will be allowed one more chance to take the same examination. There will be no provision to re-appear in the Mid-Semester Examination for improvement. No Pass mark for Mid-Semster Examination.

  5. The College has to conduct the Mid Semester Examination between 15th September to 30th October for1st, 3rd, & 5thSemester and in between1st March to 15th March for 2nd, 4th, & 6th Semester respectively and will feed the marks online under the University/College Examination management System within 15 days from the date of examination. In case of Mid Semester examination of Semester-I, marks shall be fed by 30th November.

  6. The College authority will preserve the answer script of the Mid Semester examination for 06 months from the date of publication of result of concerned semester for reference.

  7. A student has to appear the Mid Semester Examination. Absence in a Mid Semester paper will be declared as failed in that Paper. A student who was absent in the Mid Semester examination during both the chances but has passed at the University End Term examination shall be treated as failed in that Semester. Such candidates would be required to appear the Mid-Semester Examinations in subsequent semester.