
  1. Biometric attendance system has been installed to insure staff punctuality.

  2. The College has been kept under 24 hours security surveillance by installing 30 nos. of CCTVs

  3. The College has a beautiful play ground with the size of 7000 sq metres for the sports and recreation of students.

  4. The College has 14 classrooms, 4 academic Halls and 1 Conference Hall.

  5. The College has electric back-up with 2 numbers of eco-friendly generators for the entire campus

  6. There are 4 numbers of LCD projectors for BA/BSc classes in our College.

  7. A well furnished Air Conditioned Computer Lab with 40 Computers.

  8. The College has 4 numbers of Aquagurads for safe drinking water.

  9. The College has 14 numbers of well-equipped toilets with a sanitary vending machine and an incinerator attached in the Girls’ Common Room.

  10. The College has a 100-seated Boys Hostel

  11. The College has individual science laboratories for Physics ,Chemistry ,Botany and Zoology

  12. The College has a SAMS centre, RUSA Chamber and a well-equipped gymnasium.

  13. The entire campus is lighted by LED bulbs

  14. The college provides cold drinking water through 2 nos of water cooler

  15. The College has an Air Conditioned well furnished Staff Common Room

  16. The college has Air Conditioned Guest Room

  17. The college has separate rooms for NSS, NCC ,Students Union &YRC

  18. It has a big Library with huge boos collection