The NCC Unit of the Athmallik College was raised in the year 1994. It is presently functioning with 1 Unit of 50 male cadets. The Senior Division (Infantry) comes under the purview of 3 (O) C.T.C, NCC, Burla and N.C.C Group Head Quarter Sambalpur. It has been headed by the N.C.C. Officer, Capt. D.K Singh Samant since its inception..
The Cadets of this College undergo the training prescribed for them, and participate in activities including Social Services, Sports activities, bike-expedition, Cycle Expedition, Trekking, blood donation camps, gender equality campaigns, and Observation of International Yoga day.and after passing Certificate Examination “B” and “C” they are given additional weightage for selection in admission in different colleges and in the Armed Forces.

• To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst the youths of the country.
• To create human resource of organized, trained, and motivated youths to provide leadership in all walks of life and to be always ready for the service of the nation.
• To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces of India.

Obey with a smile
Work hard and without fuss
Be punctual.
Make no excuse and tell no lies.

NC.C. helps students to develop the feeling of oneness, empathy & compassion. Serving people in distress is true Patriotism. Youth must become agents of social change, economic growth & innovation.
NCC has adopted community development activities with the aim of imbibing amongst cadets selfless service to the community, importance of self help, need to protect the environment and to assist weaker sections of the society. This was envisaged through programmes involving:
1. Adult-education
2. Tree plantation
3. Blood donation
4. Anti-dowry rally
5. Anti-leprosy drive
6. AIDS Awareness rally
7. Visit to old age homes
8. Cleaning in Slums
9. Disaster management and relief
10. Rally against Women foeticide
Selection procedure:
The NCC selection takes place for 3 years in the month of August with a prior notice every year as per rules, regulation, principles and procedure. The aspiring male students have to undergo a series of physical test like height, weight, running, push-up, sit-up, pull-up etc
NCC Training:
NCC Training programme consists of physical training, drill and theory classes which covers NCC subjects as well as defence studies. NCC classes are conducted on Saturdays and Sunday from 1600 Hours to 1800 Hours. It is mandatory for all enrolled as well as reserved cadets to attend NCC training, failing which they will be debarred from attending camps and appearing NCC examinations. The whole training programmes are distributed and are taken both by Parade Instructor (PI staff) from the Indian Army and ANO.