
The overall management of the College is vested with the Governing Body. At the College level, the Principal is responsible for the day-to-day administration. Besides, the four major areas of the College, namely the Establishment, the Academic, the Accounts and the Administrative affairs are supervised by four Senior Faculty members acting as: the Establishment Officer, the Academic Bursar, the Accounts Bursar and the Administrative Bursar respectively. The management system of the College functions in a very transparent and participatory manner.

Governing Body:

Composition: Fifteen members as per the guidelines of the Odisha Education Act. The President of the Governing Body is nominated by the Government of Odisha and the Principal acts as the Secretary of the Governing Body.

Principal body for the management of the College.The Principal assigns specific Faculties to monitor the admission and examinations process in the College. There are various committees to advise the Principal as and when necessary on specific issues. These committees are:

  • Staff Council

  • Academic Committee

  • Budget Committee

  • Development Committee

  • Purchase Committee

  • Construction Committee

  • Discipline Committee

  • Library Committee

  • NAAC Committee