Academic Committee

While the Curriculum design and development is governed by the University of the Sambalpur, its effective implementation is under the control of the College. The College has the Academic Committee with the mandate to frame broad guidelines and frameworks to suit requirements of different courses at the Departmental level. The Committee regularly monitors the efficacy of the same throughout the session. The Committee comprising the Academic Bursar and all the Heads of the Departments hold meetings at the end of each semester to discuss and plan in advance for the implementation of courses in the subsequent semester. The Committee also discusses the emerging requirements of the Departments for more effective execution of the curriculum and informs the same to the College authority. Internal Assessment Committee

To ensure course outcomes of each program, continuous evaluation and internal assessment are carried out as per the guidelines of the Sambalpur University. For transparency and fairness in internal assessment, the Internal Assessment Committee was constituted in 2017 to monitor the overall Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) process. The Internal Assessment Committee addresses all grievances related to internal assessment marks. Committee Members:

Mr. B.G. Mishra, Lecturer, Department of Physics
Dr. Ranjit Kumar Sethi, Lecturer, Department of Odia
Mrs. Arpita Anjali Guria, Lecturer, Department of English
Miss Praveena Biswal, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry

Anti-Ragging and Grievance Redressal Cell

The Anti-ragging and Grievance Redressal Cell of this College was constituted in the year 2017 and has since then providing a support system for the students to lodge their grievances. The mandate of this Cell has been (a) to receive and examine the complaints of aggrieved students and (b) to initiate proactive measures to redress their grievances and to ensure justice.

Members of Anti-ragging and Grievance Redressal Cell:

Mr. Laxmikant Meher Administrative Bursar 9937890283

Mr.Ambarisa Sarangi Establishment Officer

Mr. Gagan Kumar Mishra Lecturer, Department of Political Science Member

Mrs. Arpita Anjali Guria Lecturer, Department of English Member 9937214472

Women Atrocities Cell

The College has a provision for acting against any type of atrocity against women. The Women’ Cell of this college has been in operation since 2014 and aims at preventing sexual harassment and any sorts of atrocity in all its forms as defined by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. This Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students and staffs and to act swiftly to safeguard the dignity and rights of female students and staffs.

Since its inception, the Cell has regularly held meetings and has passed resolutions for gender sensitisation and awareness generation against sexual harassment. The Cell has suggested for installation of sanitary napkin vending machines and incinerator in Girls’ Common Room. The Cell has run many campaigns and rallies to create awareness both inside college campus and outside the campus for the safeguarding women and girls.

Mrs. Arpita Anjali Guria Lecturer Dept of English Convenor 9937214472

Miss Prabina Biswal Lecturer Dept. of Chemistry Member 8339003080

Mrs. Shanta Panda Lecturer Dept of Botany Member 8895037787

Mrs. Saraswati Pradhan Lecturer Dept of Physics Member 7325916891

Mrs. Jyotirmayee Mohapatra Lecturer Dept of Philosophy Member 7008870451

Miss Siliva Sahoo Lecturer Dept of Zoology Member 9078336753

Mrs. Bandana Sahu Lab. Assistant Dept of Chemistry Member 7873476640


The Career Counseling Cell came into existence in the year 2016. The Cell is presently coordinated in all its activities by Mr. Ambarisa Sarangi, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry. The other members of the Cell are Dr Ajaya Kumar Das, Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Mr Manmath Pal, Lecturer, Department of Political Science, and Dr. Pankajini Behera, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy.



In academic session 2016-17 (January 4, 2017) there was only one counseling program organized by the Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dhenkanal for BCA/MCA program in which 80 students attended.


In academic session 2017-18 (February 21, 2018) there was a counseling program organized by the Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dhenkanal for BCA/MCA program in which 90 students attended.


In academic session 2018-19 (February 09, 2019) there was a counseling program organized by the Regional College of Management, Bhubaneswar for BCA/MCA program in which 100 students attended.


The Minority Cell of this College was constituted in 2016. It has endeavored to ensure provisions of equality as enshrined in the Constitution of India and to promote an atmosphere of mutual toleration in the College. Overall, this cell has aimed at addressing their short-term and long-term needs and thereby empowering the students belonging to minority community. This Cell has facilitated the students belonging to the minority communities particularly Muslim to benefit government sponsored Minority Scholarship for meritorious students having scored more than 50 percent. This cell has provided the Email ID/phone number for rederssal of any grievance of the students belonging to minority community.

Mr. Manmath Pal Lecturer, Dept of Political Science Member 9556241810, 9776241810


The SC/ST Cell of this College was constituted in 2016 with the mandate to help in implementing the reservation policy with regard to admission of students and to facilitate students to benefit Government sponsored programmes and scholarships particularly the Post-Metric Scholarship(PMS).The main function of this Cell has been to help the students belonging SC/ST categories to assimilate with the mainstream of this College and to remove difficulties they may be experiencing. Since its establishment from the academic session of 2016-2017, this Cell has not received a single grievance from students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes categories. This Cell has compiled data regarding admission of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students in this College on a regular basis. It has conducted programs on a regular basis to make them aware about the Government scholarships and has facilitated students to benefit under the Post-Matric Scholarship from the TRW Department.

Dr. Ranjit Kumar Sethi Lecturer Department of Odia Convenor 9937236049

Mrs. Arpita Anjali Guria Lecturer Department of English Member 9937214472

OBC Cell

The OBC Cell of this College was constituted in 2016. This aims at empowering the students belonging to OBC by facilitating financial support from the Government through the Post-Metric Scholarship (PMS). It also addresses various issues faced by them and helps them to manage their academic activities. The Cell endeavors to address various problems related to OBC students other than academic aspects. It has circulated Government decisions about different scholarship programs and reservation policies in relation to students belonging to OBC.

Mr. Sachidananda Sahoo Lecturer Department of Economics Convenor 9437204497


Established in 2017, the Equal Opportunity Cell has been constantly monitoring the academic progress of students with special needs, those belonging to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe, Other Backward Caste and minorities and the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). Based on the assessment their academic needs, the Cell ensures that these students get the required assistance at their respective departmental level.


Mr. Laxmikant Meher, Lecturer, Department of Zoology
Mr. Ambarisa Sarangi, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry
Mr. Braja Gopal Mishra, Lecturer, Department of Physics
Mrs. Arpita Anjali Guria, Lecturer, Department of English
Mrs. Saraswati Pradhan, Lecturer, Department of Physics